Wednesday, 10 February 2021

English Paper Piecing - Hexie Quilt Finished.


Yeah, I have finally finished my Hexie Quilt.  It has taken some time.  

I started in 2017 with a jelly roll scrap bag and a good selection of cut strips from my stash.

These ended up in this little box as hexies ready to go.

The very first line.

This project has been on several holidays along with days out, sewing group, my summer sitting in the garden sewing and lots of winter days when I couldn't work.  In my defence of taking such a long time, there has been many other projects completed while this has been in the wings waiting.  I did finish it last year but had been putting off making it up into a quilt until this last week.

Trimming the edges after quilting diagonally along the edges of the hexies.

Used the Singer 201 in the table, this machine does such a good job.

The quilting shows up better on the back.  The gloves are really extra grip gardening gloves but they work brilliantly giving better grip on the quilt moving it under the machine.

Glad its finally finished.  Phew.


PS.  In case anyone is wondering, there are 2500ish hexies.