Tuesday 10 April 2018

Dear Jane Quilt Book


I have had a lot of time off work, the gardens are sopping wet which is starting to get to me, its frustrating when you can't get to work.  Decided that I needed a challenge so got my Dear Jane Quilt book out.  Again!

This book has been in a cupboard for a couple of years, I was full of enthusiasm when I first got it until I actually looked at the patterns! Tried doing a couple of the blocks using English paper piecing, one worked the other didn't so the book was put away until I improved my quilting skills with a couple of new to me techniques,  Foundation and Applique.  

This March my sister bought me a lovely charm pack of Moda fabrics called "Farmhouse Reds" for my birthday so I put them to good use and out came the book.  Also using another Moda charm pack called "Lizzie's Legacy".

This little case keeps the fabrics together and out of the sun (that is if it comes back).

I am picking at the patterns doing the easy Applique ones first along with a couple of the easier foundation ones.

As you can see its rained a lot in North Yorkshire!

Really enjoying making these, 34 down, 191 to go.

The Author has a super website you can find find it here http://www.dearjane.com/


PS using my Singer 221K Featherweight for this "little" job, it sews perfectly straight so the blocks are accurate and goes really slow when I want it to, perfect for sewing the curves when making the applique shapes which are then handsewn onto the 5"blocks.


  1. What fab blocks, this is going to be a beautiful quilt!

  2. Thanks Josie, its going to take some doing. Gardening has taken over so will start it again next winter.


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